Available data on high impact weather events
/Photo: Roar Seljesater.
By Stephanie Mayer, researcher in Alertness
In Alertness, our main goal is to improve weather forecasts and warnings for the Arctic with a focus on high-impact weather events such as polar lows, cold-air outbreaks and maritime icing.
On step towards achieving this goal is the development and application of measures to quantify the skill and accuracy of a weather prediction, based on weather events with high impact that have been well observed.
We have established an overview, in the form of a table, of the main reference cases that scientists in the Alertness project are working on. The table provides information of the name and date of the events, available model experiments and observations, and scientific literature.
We think this overview is mainly useful for scientists involved in Alertness, but may also be of interest for other scientists who have a research focus on arctic weather prediction.
Read more about improving weather forecasts in the Arctic
Read a personal account of the quest to improve weather forecasts in the Arctic, written by meteorologist and ph.d.-candidate in Alertness, Matilda Hallerstig, on the popular science site Science Nordic.